i had a brown ghost knife fish, his water was clean and evertthing as i also need it clean for my peacock eel, pictus, etc. i got delicate fish, and then yesterday the last part of its tail was like bitten off, but no fish in my tank has a mouth that big, and then i saw its tail as if it was starting to PEEL off, it was like white/blue instead of brown, and was starting to peel its flesh very slowly, then i had to go out, and when i came back there was a blue/white circle on top of its right eye, and in the center of it there was a little hole, and when it turned around there were even more spots that were peeling off its scaleless flesh, and his whole tail was white/ eaten?(thats what it looked like), and the fins were like gone, and then i started seeing him swimming oddly and it inmeadetly landed on its side and was dead. so what was this?? my water has no chemicals in it, because it looked like he got severely burned, but the burn just kept on going through all its body including eyes.