What Type Of Disease Was This?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2009
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i had a brown ghost knife fish, his water was clean and evertthing as i also need it clean for my peacock eel, pictus, etc. i got delicate fish, and then yesterday the last part of its tail was like bitten off, but no fish in my tank has a mouth that big, and then i saw its tail as if it was starting to PEEL off, it was like white/blue instead of brown, and was starting to peel its flesh very slowly, then i had to go out, and when i came back there was a blue/white circle on top of its right eye, and in the center of it there was a little hole, and when it turned around there were even more spots that were peeling off its scaleless flesh, and his whole tail was white/ eaten?(thats what it looked like), and the fins were like gone, and then i started seeing him swimming oddly and it inmeadetly landed on its side and was dead. so what was this?? my water has no chemicals in it, because it looked like he got severely burned, but the burn just kept on going through all its body including eyes.
have a look at columnaris. google for images of it and see if that resembles what you had on your fish...if it is columnaris, you need to treat the tank as it can be a fast killer and porentially wipe out the whole tank.
the best thing to do right now is a BIG waterchange. in the meantime look around for columnaris and come back here and you'll get some great advice on how to treat
have a look at columnaris. google for images of it and see if that resembles what you had on your fish...if it is columnaris, you need to treat the tank as it can be a fast killer and porentially wipe out the whole tank.
the best thing to do right now is a BIG waterchange. in the meantime look around for columnaris and come back here and you'll get some great advice on how to treat

thanks, but i did thought it was columnaris or septicaemia at first, it is not, i have had an oscar that had this, and i kept it with my 2 other goldfish for several months together, although the columnaris didn't kill the oscar until one day the oscar jumped, and also columanris its caused by overcrowded, stressed, bad water quality conditions, in which i dont, the reason why my oscar had columnaris was because i bought it already sick from their overcrowded tank in petsmart. This brown knife have been living in my aquarium for several months now and no sign of sickness, and the other reason why this isn't columnaris is because i do keep an eye on my water stats whenever a week passes, and the nitrites, nitrates never go above the caution zone
sorry if i implied you have bad fishkeeping practives. that was not my intention (if indeed, you htought it was). i know that bkns are scaleless fish and thought it might present itself in the way you described. keep in mind tho, that diseases can lay dormant for a long time and any stressor might bring them out. dont know about your recent additions, even big waterchange or maintanence can casue stress. also age can be a factior in immunity ssues.
i hope it was just a singularity in the tank. but id keep searching around...surely someone out there has experienced similar symptom and signs in bkn.
all the best!
you say you have nothing in your tank that would bite its tail? Pictus cats are more than capable of biting the tail of another fish. And for columnaris to present its self in an aquarium does not necessarily meen you have bad water quality or a overstocked tank! Not so long ago i had 3 snakeheads and 3 reed fish die almost over night because of columnaris, my tank isnt overcrouded and my water was fine. Fish, like other animals can carry a disease without showing any apparent signs and all it takes is a bit of stress or an open wound for the disease to take hold.
I would say it got bit by the pictus which in turn let the disease take hold. I treated my fish with alsorts and nothing helped! Need anti-biotics but just couldnt get any!
Not for nothing mate but in your profile how up to date is that?
just because you do have alot of fish in the 55 which are capable of removing a tail quite easily,
what is your full stock including everything ?
Not for nothing mate but in your profile how up to date is that?
just because you do have alot of fish in the 55 which are capable of removing a tail quite easily,
what is your full stock including everything ?

55 right now has:

1 blood parrot
1 severum
1 angelfish
1 blue gourami
1 sen bichir
1 needlefish
1 firemouth
1 pictus catfish
1 striped peacock eel(but i dont know if it will survive because he never eats not even the live worms and stuff)
and then theres this pleco that im trying to get rid of because it just grows huge

the rest its a long story, theyre in a separate tank like the tetras, etc.
the rest

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