What Type Of Corydora Is This


Fish Fanatic
Jan 27, 2012
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I dont have a picture of mine, but they are spotted and have orange on their front fins.. my question is i only have two and want to add more, do they have to be the same kind as i already have or can i get different kinds and they will all get along??
I dont have a picture of mine, but they are spotted and have orange on their front fins.. my question is i only have two and want to add more, do they have to be the same kind as i already have or can i get different kinds and they will all get along??

is it one of these??


Forgot to add, I believe that most corys can live together OK. But not certin on that one. I have had 2 panda corys and 2 peppered corys living together before without an issue.
Corydoras (not a plural, that is their real name, for example, one is not a corydora, it is a corydoras.) are shoalers, and in the wild live in shoals of hundreds, so mminimum is SIX for a group.

They have to be the same species, if they arent, they might act 'happy' but would be 5X that if they are with their own species.
scvrs: Yes!! thats them for sure!!!

hanny93: Ty, i want to make sure that they are actually happy, not acting happy. so i'll make sure i get 4 more of them!!

they are just so darn cute!!

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