What type of Cory is best for me ?


New Member
Jan 2, 2021
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I have only ever bred livebearers in the past and have recently got into conditioning, spawning and growing out my first egglayers (Corydoras Aeneus) as practice for other varieties of egg layers. I know bronze corys are super easy to spawn and probably didn’t need conditioning but things are going great and I’m really proud of them :D

I have a lightly planted 60l tank (60cm wide x 30cm back x 35cm tall) with just a few shrimp left in it and would like to try and spawn a new variety of Corydoras in there if possible.
That tank has a Ph of 8-8.2 (probably closer to 8.2) but I have bought plenty from this local fish farm before with no problems, just a lot of very slow drip acclimating in a bucket to be sure. My water is also hard but I don’t have a Gh Kh test to measure.

I’m taking my nan to a local fish farm later for her Mother’s Day present and they keep all their tanks at a PH of 7.5-7.6 which I understand doesn’t fit the google recommended range of some species and I don’t really want to waste money on a fish that won’t be happy enough to spawn in my tank conditions, if you could please recommend a Cory from the website that you think would be able to spawn in my peramaters then that would be greatly appreciated :)

there are about 20 species on the website so I will include the link
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I haven't bred/raised corydoras but Sterbai prefer harder water.
Less expensive, my trilineatus (incorrectly labelled as julii on trop co) mate every day and my water has pH 7.4-7.8, GH 8. London water would be harder than this though.
Bronze & Albino corys for me everytime, I know they are some nicer looking breeds out there but i am always drawn back to the Bronze & Albino.
I just think they act slightly different to the other species. Ive kept Bronze for 20 years & they still surprise me with the things they do
Have a look at what your GH is. The water hardness matters more than the pH does, although with that pH along with your location, I'm guessing your water is pretty hard as well.

I recommend this article written by Neale Monks, a very respected fish authority!

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