?? what type of cat fish is this ??


New Member
Jul 3, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Vic, Australia
can any tell me wat type of cat fish this is ?? thanks
pic below


They are peppered corys, like most corys they prefer a sand or fine gravel substrate and need to be feed catfish pelets and/or algae wafers to supliment their diet- their max size is about 2 and a half inchs and are very peaceful bottom dwellers that do best in groups of 4 or more :) .
Females can grow closer to 3 inch (just had a quick peek in the downstairs tank to check this).
They are hardy but do need the substrate to be kept clean, especially in hot weather, as they are prone to bacterial infections. I am doing twice-weekly gravel vacs on my tank as I lost one cory in the hot weather.
Also, sand is best, but if they're on gravel it really needs to be smooth gravel so their barbels don't wear down, as they need them to find food.
Hi shane :)

Peppered corys are quite popular and have been kept in tropical and goldfish tanks for many years. Also known as C. paleatus, it was discovered in the 1800s by Charles Darwin.

It's one of the easiest egg laying fish to get to spawn, and if you have an adult pair and see eggs on the glass sides of your tank, they will probably be from them. :D

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