What Type Of Betta Do I Have?


Always Watching
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Hudson, Wisconsin USA
His name is Flame and the little jar he was in said "split tail" (or something like that) :D .
Wow, it looks like you've got yourself a doubletail there. :D It looks like he's got some crowntail in him too.

Nice find, DTs are my favorite. :wub:
:fun: He could be his own tail type...definately the double tail, but the edges are a little jagged like a combtail, he's pretty cool :D

Great find :good:
Definitely at least a double tail, if not anything else.

You say "little" jar, but it seems pretty big, and he seems happy in it. What size is it?
I mean the little bowl i bought him from at the lfs, i put him a big jug to live in it's a little more than 2.5 gal. Now he won't stay in a little plastic contanier for 5 min. during water changes. he's always trying to jump out.
Aww look at that! The tail looks like a red butterfly!!!

The term butterfly should refer to color not shape. If I remember correctly a butterfly's tail is one color until it hits half way out and then changes to a second color. One of my guys is like that, his body is black, his tail starts out red and then turns clear half way out. Pretty. :)
Aww look at that! The tail looks like a red butterfly!!!

The term butterfly should refer to color not shape. If I remember correctly a butterfly's tail is one color until it hits half way out and then changes to a second color. One of my guys is like that, his body is black, his tail starts out red and then turns clear half way out. Pretty. :)


I was comparing the shape of the tail to a real butterfly (insect), not the butterfly betta variety :D Heck, I didn't even know there's a butterfly betta until you mentioned it hahaha! I'm such a total noob. :p

Gotcha! But hey, now you learned something right?! :D
The separation between the two lobes is not deep enough for him to be a double-tail, therefore, he is being called a split-tail, and rightly so. The split between the lobes needs to go back towards the body more to be a true double-tail. And he would also be a comb-tail, not a crown-tail. In a crown-tail, at least one-third of the fin needs to spike.
LvBettas, there's no set-in-stone differentiation between split-tail and doubletail that is well known and accepted as standard by the community, so the point you make is only valid to you. Personally, I call anything that is homozygyous for the DT gene a DT, but that's just me. A lot of people call VT DTs split-tails and everything else true DT.
:drool: :drool: :drool: I for one dont care what type he is! He is fantastic! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Fab find...incredibly jealous. My red male is one of my oldest and he is paling a bit now, actually so am I!

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