What Type Of Barb Is This? Im Going Crazy.


New Member
Jun 13, 2009
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Hey, so i was in a fishstore, and i bought a gorgeous barb (so he says i cant find it online anywhere) and he told me about its temperments ect... buti cant remember the breed?

Heres a photo -


Its doing fine, its beautiful isnt it? But what IS IT?!
a rosy barb in badshape by the look of it
I would say it's an odessa barb,looks like my odessas except the red is very vibrant on mine,yours looks very washed out.
I've seen them with yellow fins, google it, they can do :).

Either way, it's a pale fish, the markings on the body seem too washed out to match either species.

I admit though, I'm possibly wrong after looking at all the black on the dorsal fin. The lack of the two big black spots and lack of red colour is putting me off odessa barb still a bit though.

How big is the fish? If it was around an inch in the store I'd lean towards checkered barb, if it was around 2" or bigger I'd say odessa IME.

Either way, you should certainly have more than one of them, I'd go back for at least 5 more :).
yeah the black marks put me off edessa
Ive only had it a few days, I want more, but they had four in store, and one guy bought 3 the day before, and left it single. So i felt bad for it. And theres about 8 pet shops where i live, and not one place knows what fish it is! None of them stock them, or even reconise it. That picture doesnt really do justice, so ill get a better one and post it.
Maybe its an Odessa without spots. Seems most likely out of the few?
Ive only had it a few days, I want more, but they had four in store, and one guy bought 3 the day before, and left it single. So i felt bad for it. And theres about 8 pet shops where i live, and not one place knows what fish it is! None of them stock them, or even reconise it. That picture doesnt really do justice, so ill get a better one and post it.
Maybe its an Odessa without spots. Seems most likely out of the few?

EDIT: Wow, i just checked up on him, and theres some spots (very faded). So must be an Odessa! Im trying to get another photo, that one was taken on a c905 w/flash, and its washed out the red in him. (Theres an orange/reddy streak)
My local pets at home has Odessas for 99p too.

Id deffo say Odessa.

Some places are real pale and not very nice at all.

The ones i had were BRIGHT Red and had almost neon blue spots on them, can get some stunners.


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