What Typ Of Fish Would This Be Any Guess Is Welcome


Nov 4, 2005
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sorry no pics but it looks alot like a Harlequin Rasbora
Sorry but without even a discription we don't really stand much of a chance.

Not the standerd harlequin but trigonostigma espei perhaps.
Does the fish have an adipose fin, (small fleshy fin between the dorsal, (top), fin and the caudal, (tail))?

Rasboras are Cyprinids and do not have such a fin. Tetras are Characins and most do have such a fin.

Very difficult to help further on such limited information.
it dose not have a adipose fin near 100% shore i only have five at the moment and its a fair size tank and they are fast but i would say they dont that reminds me when i got them at the pet store i pointed at them saying i would like some of the tetras there as well and the lady said they were not tetras but i would not trust that cuz half the fish there a miss labeled and in any tank that has room and they put fish that will fight or kill each other in the same tanks for short times cuz they over stock..........i think its not a tetra but its shape a bit difrent from a Harlequin Rasbora and i no alot of fish can look near the same and be difrent sorts ..................oh sorry about the bad typing i was never good with spelling a stuff

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