what to take out of power filter to treat w/copper


New Member
Feb 18, 2004
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Hello, I would like to treat my tank with a dose of copper but have a power filter w/ carbon. What do I need to put in the filter instead? Also can I just unplug the filter for a day or 2. I still have the bio wet/dry running.
I would take the carbon out as you may still get some flow through the filter if you leave it in. If you do treat the tank with copper, then you can't have inverts in and it will kill any already in there. you can turn the filter off but you will need the biological filter to remain ON as not to cause water quality problems. Why do you want to treat the tank anyway? whitespot?

ste :)
Not only that, but you will prevent yourself from virtually EVER having inverts in the tank. Why in the world would you want to put copper in the tank? No matter what the problem is you are trying to fix, there are other options.
If you insist on treating a marine animal with copper, the only way to do it is in a quarrantine tank.

Great Lakes said:
If you insist on treating a marine animal with copper, the only way to do it is in a quarrantine tank.

I agree. Also, if you're protesting a quarantine tank because of the cost, don't. It can be incredibly cheap (<$50), and easy to maintain.

Don't take the risk. Get a quarantine tank.
Yes I know the copper deal, I have no interest in inverts at thi stime or with this tank setup. I got a new fish, looks very healthy but I noticed a few spot son him, so just to make sure he wouldnt infect the other fishes I unplugged the carbon filter and left the wet/dry on ofcourse and treated them. For parasites, what other methods would be better for a "fish only tank". My lfs told me for fish only that would be best.
CupriSorb does a pretty good job of taking copper and other metals out. I have copper in my 15 gallon right now and pack of CupriSorb standing by for when the treatment is over. That and a healthy water change.

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