what to put with platies


New Member
May 17, 2004
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i have got a ten gallon tank, and at the moment it has got, three platies and some platie fry, one of the big platies is still pregant. I was wondering what fish i could put into the tank with the platies.
The platties will be filling your tank up soon (with babies), so I would go with some little bottom feeders. I really like my panda cories, and the otos. Since it is a 10 gal, I would stick with little fish, nothing that will grow too large.

In 4 months, I've gone from 3 platties to 18! And I didn't go to any great lengths to keep all the fry with breeder nets. I just put in some breeding grass for the fry to hide in.

Good luck & enjoy! :)

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