What To Put In The Tank?


New Member
Apr 17, 2006
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Ok so Ive had tropical fish for about 4 years now and have always loved Tetras, and decided to re-do my tank and want to mainly stock tetra, well trying to go for an amazonian type theme init, so just wundering how many and what are good combos together?

at the min in I think its 130 litre tank(4 foot by 12 inches by 15 inches) Ive got 8 black widow tetra, 1 neon and Im planning on getting about another 8 or 9, 1 glowlight(not really planning on getting anymore) 1 congo tetra, cant make my mind up yet weather I'll be getting anymore, and 1 bristle nose plec.

Apart from planning on getting some more neons I was thinking maybe a trio of rainbow fish and 5 cory and some blind cave tatra, but would like to see what tetras you guys think would "mix" well, for both the tank and abit of colour, or is what Ive got and what Im after enough for that size tank?
I'd probably skip the blind cave tetras. I've heard they're nippy.

I'm not sure how set you are on the Amazonian theme. Rainbowfish are from Australia an the surrounding area/islands. Blind cave tetras are from around Mexico.

I think the cories will be a good choice for another bottom dweller. There are many species that will mix well. I'd personally stay away from pygmy cories in that sized tank though.
Not sure why loachman said to stay away from pygmy corys, I have 6 of them in my 95L tank and they do a good job. for algae control in an amazonia tank I'd say go with farlowellas instead of a pleco. and IMO no amazonia tank is complete without pristella tetras.

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