what to put in my 20 gallon

balloon molly

May 29, 2004
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hi guys.
i wanted to liven up my 20 gal with some fish but i dont know what.

what can i put in with my origonal fish
see sig for fish list
Go for something crazy! lol ..honestly, a favourite of mine has always been neon tetras. You could do honey gouramis? They're small and cute. :) Though if you want to stick to livebearers, you could always go with a different type of molly.. I think they call them gold dust mollies at my superpet, but they're such a gorgeous vibrant yellow, and their babies are adorable! :wub:
You could go with guppys, they are always active. :)
if you've got a secure hood how about silver or marble hatchet fish? or maybe danios if you want constant movement...
You definitely need a small school to fill the tank out.

Harlequin rasboras have always been my favorite schooling fish. They're beautiful and are among the tightest schoolers you'll find. Everyone should own them.

If you're leaning more towards a tetra... how about Emporer Tetras? I haven't own them but they look really nice.

Both would get along with the Mollys and corys just fine.
i vote long finned dannios they are very active schoolers. They never seem to get tired of chasing each other. I love mine. :wub:
I have to second the danios - beautiful little fish - 5 or so long-finned zebra danios would add so much activity to your tank and are attractive and have lots of character for such a cute little fish.

Harlequin rasboras are, however, the best schoolers.

Hatchet fish are nice but can be bullied and are rather sensitive.
I'd avoid tetras because they may not like your water (do you use any salt with the mollies BTW?). If I had to suggest a tetra though, black phantoms are great and are very hardy for a tetra. The males also display interestingly to one another.

How about 5 or so cories? If you don't use salt... They are outstanding little fish and do best in large groups. They are adorable and so much fun to watch.

Bristlenose plecs are cool too. One of those or some otos would be nice additions but only if you don't add salt and your water isn't too hard.

A good top dweller are gouramies - in a 20 gallon you could go for 2 dwarfs or 4 honeys (make sure you don't get more males than females though - or the females will be chased and harassed). You could also get a single thick-lipped gourami or one pearl gourami or one indian/banded/striped gourami.

Some platies or swordtails would also make a nice addition. Especialy if you have hard water. Guppies would work but mollies and guppies are quite similar so...
Be careful on the Danios, they are known fin-nippers. Guppys would be mid to top, at least mine are. LOL

Black phantom Tetras really nice also. They have this habit of turning completely black, then back to normal. Probably one of my favorite sites in my tank. :)
I have guppies, danios, cories and a red tailed shark in my 20 gallon...they all get along great...hopefully i can talk my parents into a bigger tank so my sharky has more room :)

I am hoping to get zebra danios. Would they nip at cory cats, apple snails, or harlequin rasboras?

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