what to put in 240 litre tank

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Sep 27, 2005
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Sheffield (rules your rear-end!)
Although I have had many tropical fish, I have usually had small tanks,
and I should be getting a 240 litre juwel tank and I would like some help on
what to put in it. I would not like many plants and I would like to move my current
fish into there. I have 3 female guppies ( I am going to buy a male) and 3 black widows
( again, I will buy around 3 more). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in
advance. B)
All i can tell you is what i have in my 240 litre juwel but really what you have should be what you like.
3 angel fish
1 plec (not a common)
black phantom tetras
red phantom tetras
white cloud minnows 5 female bettas 1 male plakat betta.

Lots of bogwood and plants.

A second filter as the juwel cant cope.
I dont have one myself, but I've got some delusions of grandeur involving a tank of that size. I'd debate some Corys, Loaches, Cats, Gouramis, Chiclids, Plecos, Rainbows, Mollies, Angels, and I've always wanted a really big school of Neons in an established large tank.

Those are just some ideas to research. Various of those species I'm sure are incompatible and thats by no means an exhaustive list, but its just what came to the top of my ehad as ideas
I have a group of 18 cardinal tetras, 12 blues & 6 golds, they look stunning in a group of that size, naturally though they dont tend to make your tank look full as they stick close together and they stay relatively small so beware that u dont overstock as its easy to with close shoaling fish like cardinals or neons. Good thing aswell is they can be added to your current stock... they are sensitive fish so unless you clone a tank your looking at about 3 months minimum before you can add them as they require good quality water in a matured tank. You dont have to get 18 cardinals but 12 should be minimum if your going to mix them (6 of each).

A pair of Rams would also look nice in there too. Maybe even a small group (5-6) of Rummy Nosed tetras or Black Phantoms. You would prolly be wise to get yourself a group of 3 or so corys too, sterbai are one of my favourite corys. You may get away with 3 loaches as bottom feeders in that size tank if your not keen on corys, clown loaches are great with the above mentioned fish, although try to steer clear of blue loaches if your going to keep cardinals as ive found blue loaches to be cardinal eaters (and they would prolly eat other small fish too like harlequins, neons, lampeyes & threadfin rainbows)... basically any small fish that tends to sleep near or at the bottom of the tank...

Just suggestions based on what i have in my tank. All down to personal preference though.

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