What to keep


Fish Fanatic
Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
Barnsley, S. Yorks UK
I have just begun to cycle my 44 gallon tank and have a couple of platies in there at the moment (they are only young and must think they have reached the ocean!). I was originally intending to keep Malawi Cichlids. I have geared the tank for the Mbuna variety by including a big clump of rocks and using silica sand. The ph is just over 8 and temperature is currently at 79 degrees. The problem is that all the really attractive Cichlids seem to cost a lot of money and having the colourful little Platies in has taken my mind back to my previous tank (a 20 gallon planted community tank).

The dilemma I am facing is that I would really like a planted tank (and as far as I know this isn't possible with Mbunas) but I would also like something a little out of the ordinary. Platies, Neons and the like are pretty enough, but aren't much of a talking point and the Platies would happily breed in a bottle of milk.

I would like something more of a challenge - which I can breed but which is still a community fish so I can add my other favourites. Or should I stick to the original idea of the Cichlids. Maybe some of the experience of the forum members can help.

Any suggestions? :-(
Cichlid would breed easily enough in your setup and there are more than enough varities to keep a cichlid community!

If you want a planted tank why did you design the tank for cichlids with only rocks and sand??
There's only one answer that I can see: Get another tank! :lol:

You could have a community tank with tetras and angelfish - maybe work up to discus in a couple of years by starting with some delicate tetras, pencilfish, hatchet fish etc. But you'd need to get that pH down and plant the tank out.

Or you could have your mbuna's in this tank and set up another, perhaps smaller tank.
There's only one answer that I can see: Get another tank! :lol:

I have got another tank - a 20 gallon - unfortunately I have no room for it anywhere other than in the attic. I was thinking of using it as some sort of breeding/quarantine tank but I could certainly take the time to enjoy it as a tank in it's own right.

Or you could have your mbuna's in this tank and set up another, perhaps smaller tank.

Could the Mbunas go in the samller tank? Maybe I could move them into the bigger tank one day when they have bred. The trouble is I don't want to shell £200 all at once (I understand it is better to fully stock from the start) to stock a newly established tank and risk losing them!

You could have a community tank with tetras and angelfish - maybe work up to discus in a couple of years by starting with some delicate tetras, pencilfish, hatchet fish etc. But you'd need to get that pH down and plant the tank out.

I like this idea. The pencil fish look interesting. I will give this some thought for sure.

I just want something interesting, out of the ordinary and colourfull really! :hyper: :S
How about a pair of Kribensis they are cichlids and community fish.
check out this link:
There is a great picture in the Members aquarium picture section I don't know how to link it but it is called: Male Krib by Dave P. I've never kept them but they are 1st on my list when I get a bigger tank. I'm not sure if you can keep krib in a planted tank though. Good luck.

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