Fish Crazy
I have this 10 gallon tank with 2 old and not particularly healthy female guppies that I have no intention of breeding and 5 fry that could move out eventually and a bunch of bronze cory fry that i plan to sell asap.
This tank happens to have a nice carpet of green algae covering a wall or 2 and most of the ornaments/furniture. I've had otos before, and they seem to get along great with gupies, but they don't live very long IME and I have been interested in (Farlowella acus) whiptail catfish for a while. I also like upside down alot and plan to get some eventually, but didn't think of them as an algae eater, until I read about them a few minutes ago. Maybe they wouldn't eat more algae than the cories.
Anyway. These farlowellas are bigger, or at least longer, than any tropical fish I have owned yet, and I've been telling myself I don't have a suitable tank for them, but I'm being tempted to reconsider. According to my book, they get to be "nearly" 5 inches long, but they are very thin like twigs. The book also says they will likely waste away without an abundant growth of algae. I have algae wafers and spirulina flakes too, but I get the impression they prefer fresh stuff, and I don't know how fast they will eat it all up. If my 29g was less crowded, i would put farlowellas in there for sure, if it had enough algae, which it doesn't at the moment. For the 10 g I would get 2 farlowellas because I think they like company, but any more than that would be definitely too big for 10g. I'm also wondering if they would be more sensitive about temperature changes and stuff. I have my guppy girls near a window in unheated tanks, which has been fine so far, because guppies and cories are pretty tough and flexible, but we have been considering geetting inexpensive small heaters even though we live in california and it I ve so far gotten by with only heating the comunity tank.
Anyway, does anyone have experience with farlowellas?
suggestions on something a little more exciting than otos for nibbling algae?
I will probably just get otos again if I don't get convinced that farlowellas would be OK or that upside downs really do vacuum algae or if someone suggests something else interesting.
This tank happens to have a nice carpet of green algae covering a wall or 2 and most of the ornaments/furniture. I've had otos before, and they seem to get along great with gupies, but they don't live very long IME and I have been interested in (Farlowella acus) whiptail catfish for a while. I also like upside down alot and plan to get some eventually, but didn't think of them as an algae eater, until I read about them a few minutes ago. Maybe they wouldn't eat more algae than the cories.
Anyway. These farlowellas are bigger, or at least longer, than any tropical fish I have owned yet, and I've been telling myself I don't have a suitable tank for them, but I'm being tempted to reconsider. According to my book, they get to be "nearly" 5 inches long, but they are very thin like twigs. The book also says they will likely waste away without an abundant growth of algae. I have algae wafers and spirulina flakes too, but I get the impression they prefer fresh stuff, and I don't know how fast they will eat it all up. If my 29g was less crowded, i would put farlowellas in there for sure, if it had enough algae, which it doesn't at the moment. For the 10 g I would get 2 farlowellas because I think they like company, but any more than that would be definitely too big for 10g. I'm also wondering if they would be more sensitive about temperature changes and stuff. I have my guppy girls near a window in unheated tanks, which has been fine so far, because guppies and cories are pretty tough and flexible, but we have been considering geetting inexpensive small heaters even though we live in california and it I ve so far gotten by with only heating the comunity tank.
Anyway, does anyone have experience with farlowellas?
suggestions on something a little more exciting than otos for nibbling algae?
I will probably just get otos again if I don't get convinced that farlowellas would be OK or that upside downs really do vacuum algae or if someone suggests something else interesting.