What to feed the leaf fish


Fish Connoisseur
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Long island, New York
All i've gotten my False leaf fish to eat is brineshrimp, Freezedried and live. They eat guppies too, but it's too much of a hassle quaranining them and trying to have enough left. Does anyone have ideas on food for these guys? Brineshrimp won't work, too small and unnutritious. I was thinking of putting some male and female platys or swortails in, so the fry could be eaten, but I'm afraid my Little leaves will eat the adults. :/ Maybe frozen bloodworms or something like that?
I've seen their mouths and they (2 inches) have a bigger mouth than a 6 inch pictus cat :blink: They could definately suck in a swordtail, but it would be sticking out :p Any ideas? Mine have also eaten earth worms, but won't eat my lizard's mealworms :X They're awesome, but sooooo picky :angry: :D
Leaf fish love to eat live foods, and stalk mid water immitating a floating leaf, so i would suggest slow sinking foods, prefferably live. Try either crickets, lance fish or thouroughly washed worm gripped in a pair of tongues, u may have to wriggle the lance fish slightly
I'll try some (if not all) of those ideas. I got these guys instead of DPs, and they are much more of a challenge :D
When i kept Amazon leaf fish the only thing i could get them to eat were live guppies and live shrimp. I would suggest setting up a small tank for breeding guppies so that you have a constant supply of live food.
:D Anything with a heartbeat is food then :p Maybe I'll buy two fancy guppies instead of feeders, they seem healthier :D Until I can breed guppies I'll have to keep them on live brine shrimp -_-
Shrimp are a dollar a piece by me, guppies are 10 cents a piece, although they are very unhealthy :p I'll get some ugly fancy guppies and use their fry as food :)

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