What to feed nematodes (microworms) to raise their own feeding value


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2021
Reaction score
Czech republic
I just read an article about feeding grindal affects the quality of the grindal that you feed to your fish. I do not want to start a grindal culture, I dont think I am there yet, but the question comes, how to increase the quality of my own micro worms/walter worms cultures.
I usually feed them yeast mixed with water with small amount of sugar that starts to bubble in an hour or so. The base for most of my cultures is oats, I use wholewheat (cause those are the ones I eat anyway). Sometimes I will use breadcrumbs, except not from bread, I dont eat much normal bread, I have some rolls or stuff, most will have some other seeds in or be wholewheat I guess.

What can I add to make the culture more nutrient rich? I usually collect them in a jar but instead of water I use my paramecium cultures ( who btw I am not even sure are still alive, how do I tell, stuff floats in there, is that it?)
You could try the tips from "Father Fish" videos. I'm trying to start a dirt tank and I see he keeps a reserve of nematodes and in a small container to replenish those eaten by fish. He's got some good tips for raising natural pond micro-bugs for a more natural food source. Maybe adding some organic matter, which will feed tiny bacteria that feed protozoa, which feed the nematodes. This cycle also increases micro-fungi, which feed lesser nematodes, which are fed upon by your predatory nematodes. Find leaves and sugar gum "gumballs" to add to their container...they will tear these up and grow, but research a bit for what works best for you and your geo-location.

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