What To Feed My New South American Leaf Fish?and How?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2010
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i just got him yesturday hes 4inches 1/2 big i added a couple feeder guppies but he doesnt budge he just swimming..is there something they ACTUALLY GO CRAZY FOR?and how do u feed it do you put it a thumb away from his face.drop it?or hold it for him?i also tried black worms i let them go so they can slowly fall infront of him but nothing pls help soon i dont want my SAL to die of hunger or anything actually i payed 40 for him for bieng adult he was 2-3inches wen i 1st saw him 2mnths than i bought him.there is sand in the tank plants (fake) and some fake leafs so he can change colors wich he does
i just got him yesturday hes 4inches 1/2 big i added a couple feeder guppies but he doesnt budge he just swimming..is there something they ACTUALLY GO CRAZY FOR?and how do u feed it do you put it a thumb away from his face.drop it?or hold it for him?i also tried black worms i let them go so they can slowly fall infront of him but nothing pls help soon i dont want my SAL to die of hunger or anything actually i payed 40 for him for bieng adult he was 2-3inches wen i 1st saw him 2mnths than i bought him.there is sand in the tank plants (fake) and some fake leafs so he can change colors wich he does

Sounds like you need some assistance from one of the forum gurus, namely "nmonks", who writes fish articles amongst other things... I think there is a thread about these fish in the oddball section and Neale was very wary of SALs in captivity.
Theres some good info on here from Neale Monks when i was asking about them.
As the others have stated above, feeding these fish can be tricky. When settled into a quiet, densely-planted tank with a gentle water current, these predatory fish will consume any live fish of suitable size that swims into range. They do not pursue prey. They will not hunt in open water. Leaffish look like leaves because they hide among plants, so your first requirement is to create a dense canopy of plants at the top of the tank where the leaffish can lurk. Floating Indian fern would be ideal. Water current must be very gentle, ideally air-powered, otherwise the leaffish won't settle down. Apart from fish offered as food, there should be no other tankmates except possibly the smaller loricariids such as Ancistrus or whiptails. Midwater fish including cichlids will terrify them.

Obviously any prey offered need to be bite-sized. Home-bred, gut-loaded guppies should be taken. For all the usual reasons, store-bought feeders must not be used.

Cheers, Neale

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