As long as you are sure, through observation, that it is getting enough food there really isn't a whole lot to do. A smaller size doesn't necessarily mean the fish isn't healthy. Barbs are hierarchal and so will have an alpha and then some smaller little runts to pick on and who often don't get as much food. They remain small. There is mixed feelings as to why. I've read some say it's because they don't get enough food to grow larger, and other say it's because the size is a survival technique that allows them to get by with smaller amounts of food.
Then of course there is the possibility it's just a small fish, that happens but I've not found that often. Normally when I add more barbs (my preference is gold and rosy but I have kept tigers) that are smaller then the stunted fish grows to the size of its tankmates.
You can try seperating the fish and feeding him individually to make sure he's getting enough but doing that can upset the balance of power and cause some fighting to occur once he's grown. Right now he has his place as low man and if he's healthy I personally say it's best to let him stay matter what one of the fish will be.
That might have been a longer answer than you were looking for.