What To Do ?


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2011
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I replaced my tank with 5 new very small Tigers Barbs 8 weeks ago. Four of them have grown to almost twice the size they where,but one is still very small and seems to be struggling ?
What best to do ?
As long as you are sure, through observation, that it is getting enough food there really isn't a whole lot to do. A smaller size doesn't necessarily mean the fish isn't healthy. Barbs are hierarchal and so will have an alpha and then some smaller little runts to pick on and who often don't get as much food. They remain small. There is mixed feelings as to why. I've read some say it's because they don't get enough food to grow larger, and other say it's because the size is a survival technique that allows them to get by with smaller amounts of food.
Then of course there is the possibility it's just a small fish, that happens but I've not found that often. Normally when I add more barbs (my preference is gold and rosy but I have kept tigers) that are smaller then the stunted fish grows to the size of its tankmates.
You can try seperating the fish and feeding him individually to make sure he's getting enough but doing that can upset the balance of power and cause some fighting to occur once he's grown. Right now he has his place as low man and if he's healthy I personally say it's best to let him stay there...no matter what one of the fish will be. ;)
That might have been a longer answer than you were looking for. :)
tcamos said:
As long as you are sure, through observation, that it is getting enough food there really isn't a whole lot to do. A smaller size doesn't necessarily mean the fish isn't healthy. Barbs are hierarchal and so will have an alpha and then some smaller little runts to pick on and who often don't get as much food. They remain small. There is mixed feelings as to why. I've read some say it's because they don't get enough food to grow larger, and other say it's because the size is a survival technique that allows them to get by with smaller amounts of food.
Then of course there is the possibility it's just a small fish, that happens but I've not found that often. Normally when I add more barbs (my preference is gold and rosy but I have kept tigers) that are smaller then the stunted fish grows to the size of its tankmates.
You can try seperating the fish and feeding him individually to make sure he's getting enough but doing that can upset the balance of power and cause some fighting to occur once he's grown. Right now he has his place as low man and if he's healthy I personally say it's best to let him stay there...no matter what one of the fish will be.

That might have been a longer answer than you were looking for.
Thanks for that.
I fed them this morning and he is eating something but not a lot,its just like you say though,that the bigger fish just bully him away before he can get as much as they want.
I'll keep an eye on things and see how it goes cos right now he does look a 'runt', but is not really a sick fish.
If he seems to be getting weak then it's time to take more direct action but otherwise I would let him be.
I have a 29g currently with 13 tiger barbs, 5 red eye tetras and a flying fox. There were 14 tigers, but the tiniest and weakest one died a few weeks ago. I don't really know why, but he'd been declining for several days beforehand and one day I woke up and he was floating. 
I started out with just a few of them, maybe 3 or 4, before I knew about the nature of them. At that time they were in my community tank. So I got a separate tank just for them and the red eyes, and added to the tiger's numbers. Things have been great since then. There is very little fighting, if any. I wouldn't mind having even more, but at this point I don't think the current group would like any newcomers. I think I've been a bit lucky with how well these are getting along, so I won't chance adding anything.
I'd suggest you let nature take its course.
What is wrong with my bleeding heart's tail. What can i do to help it! They got nipped at by my angel and now it won't heal. Please help me!!
Some tail damage is so severe it won't heal. What I see in the photo I would say it will eventually but that's pretty bad so IF it does it will take time. Also if the angel keeps after him it won't and he will eventually die from stress and maybe disease. Re-homing fish, adding more of the picked on species, and rearranging the aquascape, including adding tall items for fish to hide behind, are some ways to help with aggression which is usually a result of territoriality. In a 30 gallon tank I suggest the latter.
Just had a text from home.
Nature took its course with the small Tigerbarb  this afternoon apparently,damn I hate losing fish.
That's too bad...losing fish is never fun.
tcamos said:
Some tail damage is so severe it won't heal. What I see in the photo I would say it will eventually but that's pretty bad so IF it does it will take time. Also if the angel keeps after him it won't and he will eventually die from stress and maybe disease. Re-homing fish, adding more of the picked on species, and rearranging the aquascape, including adding tall items for fish to hide behind, are some ways to help with aggression which is usually a result of territoriality. In a 30 gallon tank I suggest the latter.
Thanks... i have other fish now in the tank... and the angel has stopped picking on the bleeding hearts. i just wasn't sure if there was some medicine that i should give them or a special food to feed them to help heal it. My heart goes out to my poor fish and they swim fine... it just looks so sad and it breaks my heart to see a fish or even a cat or dog or horse that is hurt in some manner and it makes me feel helpless sometimes. I went to my LFS and they suggested Aquarium Salt and that even freshwater tanks needed a little salt just as we need salt and animals need salt. I put some in, but i still feel helpless. 
There are medicines you can include to help prevent bacterial infection but I have found that keeping your water very clean works well. Just increase the frequency of your water changes. But if you feel more comfortable with a medicine I have found that MelaFix seems to work.

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