what to do


New Member
Apr 18, 2004
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i bought a 10gal a little while ago and it is cycled thru and everything but i have ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE :grr: what to put in it. PLEASE HELP :/
:hi: to the forum. Introduce yourself in the newbie section.

What do you want ot put in? Is there a theme (i.e. fast, colorful, livebearers, etc.)

Normally, people add livebearers and corydoras, but you could use it to breed your betta(s).:D
i dunno. i was kind of thinking of making it a breeder tank (i dunno waht kind tho) but i dont know anything about raising fry.
Just spend some time here and you'll catch on.

If you knwo you can get other tanks later on, just choose fish that you want now, then move them and make the 10 a breeding tank (precycled, too :D).
i got it! :D I am going to get a pair of dwarf cichlids. just gotta make sure my lfs has some :rolleyes: but if i get those, will i be able to put anything else in the tank? (besides a pleco)
A pleco would be too much for a 10 gallon... they get big and produce a lot of waste! What kind of dwarf cichlids are you thinking of? I don't know of any that are suitable for a 10 gallon... but I don't know everything!

I have a 12 gallon that I'm thinking of stocking with a few livebearers, maybe platties or swords.
my pleco that i have only gets up to 4in(it is a bristlenose). and i don't think i am going to get dwarf cichlids anyways now because i heard they are really hard to take care of. damn i cant make up my mind
Gouramis are cool :) Theres several smaller kinds that would be suitable for a 10 like Dwarfs and Red Honey Gouramis. I'm sure 55GD will jump in on this and suggest some if he sees it :)
yea i saw some red dwarf gouromies at my lfs. i was thinking about getting a pair of those and then putting in some dwarf rainbows or long-tailed zebra danios and maybe some cories.

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