What To Do?!


Jack Of All Trades
Jul 11, 2009
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ok i have.... just cuaght my brother sneaking out of my room aftr it told him i was looking for my wallet and now im missing 20$

while the law and order case rages on here i have available 128$

i found 6 sterbai corys for 4$ a pop so 24$

found hypselecara temporalis at 8$

rainbows 6$ a pop anther so 26.10 total

cichlid and corys are online so idk the shipping charge, its usually 35$ and since they are seperate places 70$ ish

which comes to a grand total of.... -.10$ and i do have change so 0$

should i do it? i wont have $ to buy the second filter though. or any plants

and the only way i could get $ is clean the bathrooms 5$ for per bathroom X 3 = 15$ every 2 weeks

grade $ 6$ A's and 5$ B's, straight A's = 50$ next one coming up seems to be 3 and 3 so +33$

33$ + 128$ + 15$ - 128$ - 55$ (filter) = -8$


i currently (due to dum-dum teacher hard-***es) have 2 A's and 4 B's, thing is the b's are 85,84.7,85.55,82.??
and we have a test in all of these + extra 20 confirmed extra credit ponts in one of the 85's, BUT if i want to keep the tank i have to have at least 3 A's and the semester ends in feb 2nd.....



take the risk and spend all the $ on something i might not even have for another 3 weeks

pray that they will let me keep the tank if i promise straight A's next semester (but unfortunatley have no life and will not be updating squat here or anyhere else, and now i know how to get good letters from these stick shovers so i will 100% be getting an A in all these classes unless i F up again)

please fish gurus! meesa needs your help! (please dont post if your in highschool or below failing math.. thank you :D
How about not spend the money on anything and spend your time studying for your tests? Seems the only answer to me, although (and I don't know your situation) it seems kinda harsh to take your tank away because you only got 2 A's and 4 B's. This way you'll find out if you'll even have a tank to spend money on, and in the meantime you can save up more money and not have to worry about affording everything.
I agree. I'm often in these scenarios where I start calculating money, but you forget to step back and see if you really need those fish. I hope the right answer comes to you!
Do you not have a LFS that wont charge you £70 for delivery! that seems a very high price to pay! plus if your getting them delivered some may die on the way or die within a day or so because of stress.
A good rule in life; Live within your means.
yes, sterbai cories are impossible to find here in CA! so are chocolate cichlids. and i really really want those fish and im currently have almost sure fire of getting 4 A's at the mo.

errg. and its 70$ us because its online and the fact that its from seperate people. maybe just order the cichlid, it seems the hardest to find on the net or in my lfs's

(heck, they didnt even know what a choc. cichlid was when i told them cuz they are so darn rare!)

or should i get the corys?
How big is your tank? Chocolate cichlids are Big fish. If the store got these fish in once that means if you ask they can get them again. Save your money don't blow it all. Work hard do your school work and once you have extra money they by the fish you want.
o well, ill guess since ill take your advice and not blow all my money off, theres around 20 or so sterbai corys going for 4$ and the chiclid at 8$ on aquabid
Aquabid is cool but you pay way more then the fish is worth in shipping cost most of the time.
which is why i estimated 35$ a shipment

and i dont need online anymore, my lfs wants to help me acquire the fih i want and told me to get them some pics of the fish im looking for so they know what to look for.

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