Fish Fanatic
Well recently when cleaning out my tank my fish decided to comite suicide
. I had them in a bowl while i was cleaning the tank and within the time i went downstairs to do something for my mom and came back up they jumped out've the bowl and they died. It was very sad but all I have left now is my plecostomus. It is a 30 gallon tank and I used to have 4 corys, 1 plecostomus which i still have, 3 tiger barbs and 3 red eyed tetras. The tigers and tetras didn't get along very well because the barbs would usually go after them and I read if you had more tiger barbs they'd stay togeather so i got 2 more and it didn't seem to help. Anywho I am thinking of restarting my tank over again so any ideas on some new fish I could get. I'm not really that much of a newbie on things seeing i've had fish for years now but I ain't that great either so any suggestions would help thanks!