What To Do?


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
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I want more fish but I don't know what to do. I haven't got the $$ for a larger tank right now, and my tank is heavily stocked as well. I do have a spare 10g tank that I could possibly set up, but I'd have to buy a filter, gravel, plants, and possibly a strip light (I have an incandescent one that I could use compact fluorescents in I think). When I add up how much that all will cost me, I figure why not put that $$ into savings, and then get a bigger tank?

But, alas, I'm impatient, so I don't like the idea of waiting to get a new tank. It's not that I don't like the fish I have, I like them a lot, but it's because they are my fish, not because they are all interesting to watch.

When I go to the LFS there are some different fish that I would like to have, but I'm not sure I want to trade mine either. I like the cardinals a lot because of their color, but they don't do much just kinda swim slowly. The Danios are crazy, but not an eye catcher.

So, whats a fishkeeper to do? I'm not sure that I want to trade any of my fish, but at the same time I want something new...
Hi jiffy :)

It's obvious that you have a case of MTS, :hyper: you just don't have the money to support it. :X

I suggest you start asking everyone you know if they have any tanks and/or equipment they no longer want. You would be surprised at the number of people who have tried to keep fish and failed.

Hardly anyone throws out their tanks though, they usually put them in their basement or garage in case they want to try again sometimes. In reality, they are faced with their failure every time they see these things. After a while, a lot of them will be happy to give them away, or to sell them really cheap, just to have them out of their house.

So ask your friends and family, and ask them to ask their friends too. It might take awhile, but you could be surprised at what you might end up with. :D
:band: (have never seen anyone use this emote) go thrift shoping! i have got about a bagilion tanks and an unending suply of tank junk.
Hi jiffy, I find a lot of tanks and equipment for free on this
site. Hopefully, you have a listing near you. I use the San Francisco listing and there is always someone every week that is giving away a fish tank. Good luck :)
Yeah at my school one of the biology teachers has a 40g with the hood and light and filter and I think the heater to and she has a 20g with hood and light and filter. So just called pet stores and ask them how much the certain size tank that you want cost and find the cheapest place. Like with me I called some pet stores in my area and found that a 55g cost like $60 or $70 but when I got there I found out they had a set up where it came with the hood and light, the tank, filter, and heater for only $180 and I built the stand and saved about $50 doing it.

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