What To Do?


Fish Addict
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
southampton uk
aaarrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh what can i do???

my tank olds 96litres and contained....
4 platties
5 harliquins
5 neons
6 x-ray tetras
2 otos

in past 3 days i have steadily lost all x-ray tetras, some harliuins and my shrimp!

water temp is steady with no changes and water stats have been excellent for some time now here is recent:
ammonia - 0
nitrIte - 0
nitrAte - 40 (nitrAtes are high due to tap water)

there is no sign of disease etc so whats going on? i dont understand and am so frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!

any ideas anyone cuz im at a bit of a loss what to do!
how old is the tank?
any new additions to the tank? (fish or plants)
what is the pH?
no symptoms whatsoever on the diseased fish? discolorations, strange swimming patterns, etc etc
what filtration do you have and have there been any recent filtration changes?
it is a juwel tank so has standard filtration. new additions about a week ago but they're fine. ammonia is 0.25 today so will have to do water change!
Added any new fish lately, or plants.
added some new plants and fish about 2 weeks ago.... the fish i added dyed shortly after purchase so tend to believe its something to do with them....

any ideas on treatment etc??
No signs of flicking and rubbing against objects, or laboured breathing, anything to go on, any red inflamned gills or pale.
there breathing is slightly heavier than normal..... but apart from that all the fish left seem fine. is it just a case of keeping eye on tank and water quality etc........?
Could be parasites, i would look behind one of the fish gills flaps to see if you can see anything behind them, no salt like grains of salt on the fish, or a yellow to gold colour dusting on them, are they still eating, has there body weight altered from being bloated or to going abit thinner.

Just take a look here to make sure.

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