What To Do With My Tank


Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
I dont know what to do with my 38 Gallon tank...I kinda want to get cichlids, and some other community type fish, but id also like a predator...
So im just posting to see what my options are, as far as oddballs go. I wanted a senegal bichir a while ago, but i have since decided against it...
Could i do something with a peacock eel, and still have tankmates?
Any surrgestions appreciated.
Thanks, Mikey
Yeah, but what could i have in there with a peacock?
could i have 2?

Two? Thats pushing it. Any community fish would be fine as long as its over 2".
Yeah, but how many, and what strata, temprement etc.
Ill try figure out a plan, they would need to be top or middle...
could i have 2 zebra eels?

You should get a red tail shark, they do best without other sharks and they grow to about 5 inches so you wont have to worry about them being food for the eel. You might be able to get a freshwater puffer also depending on temperments and stuff as far as the eel goes.
Well ive kind of found a set-up that i like the sound of allthough id also like an eel, im still undecided...:

1x Yellow Panchax Pair
1x German Blue Ram Pair
6x Cardinal Tetras
2x Bumblebee Catfish (Microglanis)
1x Akysis Hendricksoni

But i dont know weather that would work, and i dont know really where to post it as there are cats, cichlids and oddballs in there...Apparently the Bumblebees should be fine, but i know nothing about the Akysis.


EDIT: the german blue rams couldnt take the colder temps that the akysis requires, but Bolivian Rams can :good:
I dont know if the yellow panchax pair would work just because the males get aggressive during breeding, you could probably go with a single male or female. See what others have to say though because I'm no expert.
The panchax could probably eat the cardinals. They do like to eat small fish.
The panchax could probably eat the cardinals. They do like to eat small fish.
Could or would? Are they aggressive towards other species?
Maybe i could go with hachetfish instead, and maybe an angel or somethign else like that, corys maybe...
According to PFK you can stock 2" per gallon after 6months, just as long as you do it slowly...

They are likely. IME they like eating small fish. Inches per gallon rules can be broke easily and still have no problem, just aslong as you have alot of filteration etc. and non territoral fish you'll be ok.
Yeah, maybe i could remove the panchax, and add somethign else??
where should i post this topic???
cos theres cats and cichlids etc...

I say post it in tropical chit chat, new world and old world cichilids and cats and just put what your planning and see if they have any suggestions.

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