What To Do With My Snails?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 2, 2010
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I've been fishing in my tank and trying to remove all of the snails that are eating my plants! left in three apple snails but they're on a final warning too! Think I've id'd them all i have a mix of....

Small Planorbids, Ramshorn Snails - Family Planorbidae
Bladder/Tadpole/Pouch Snails - Family Physidae
Common Pond Snail - Lymnaea peregra
Malaysian Trumpet Snail - Melanoides tuberculata
Great Ramshorn Snail - Planorbarius corneus

now my question is could I keep any of these in a planted tank without them eating my plants? (I am tempted to keep a few of the trumpet snails to look after my sand but would they eat my plants too?) and what do i do with the others? do they have any value to anyone or should I put them out for the birds??

I think it depends on your plants. My snails won't touch the anubia or smazon sword plants but they destroy everything else! Maybe I'm just lucky and have some fussy snails!

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