What To Do With Fifty Gallons...


Sorry, can't help spammin, it's the OCD! Hey there
Feb 7, 2007
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Behind a little bubbling cave.
Sometime in the near future I could get a 50 US gallons tank, and it will be a friendly community, with bronze cory cats, neon tetras, rams, and honey gouramis. Which oddballs are for me? I'd be willing to kick out other fish if nescecary(spelling?), and I am also heading for Zambia. What can I see there?
if you're looking at oddballs, your list is quite limited due to your tank size and the fishes you want in it. most oddballs, not all though, require larger tanks and as well and larger tank mates.

you could get a zigzag spiney eel. something i would recommend :D
If you got rid of the neons, and got fish over 2"-3" then you could get two african butterfly fish.
Sometime in the near future I could get a 50 US gallons tank, and it will be a friendly community, with bronze cory cats, neon tetras, rams, and honey gouramis. Which oddballs are for me?

50 is fine for loads of Oddballs, African Buterfly Fish, Glass Knife Fish, Senegal Polypterus, Killifish to name a few. The thing that will really limit your choice is the selection of small beginner fish you stated you also want in the tank. If you really want the Tetras etc then that rule out all of the above except the Glass Knife Fish (which prefer pairs or roups).
I second the zig-zag spiney eel suggestion. Eels are great additions and until recently I kept mine in my friendly shoaling community.

I also agree, if you chose larger shoaling fish then you would have a lot more scope for oddballs.
Smaller spiny eels are fine with almost all fish, including neons and such because of their un-aggressive nature and their small mouths. The smaller species dont eat fish in the wild so they wont in a tank. Some gobys might work too, allthough other bottom dwellers may be beaten up abit...depends on species.
This sounds insane, but are there any oddballs that:

a.) Will spawn in the community

b.) and will not get too territorial at the time of spawning.
get African Butterfly Fish if you want boring fish!

Decide what you want, odd ball tank or run of the mill Tetra / Cory tank, no point trying to have both in my opinion

no disrespect to tetras and cory, i LOVE them, and have them,
OK, what else can I have them with? Can I breed african butterfly fish easily?
Dont keep any fin-nippers as they will nip at their long ventral fins. No, they are not bred easily at all but is has happened. Soft acidic water changes seem to be a big role in breeding. The eggs float and should be removed, they hatch in 2 days and fry are very hard to rear.


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