What to do with common plecos?


New Member
Jan 9, 2005
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USA, Texas
I have two 4 inch plecos and I was a newbie at fish when I bought them. I didn't know they would grow BIG. My LFS told me they would be perfect for my 55 gallon, along with 2 channel catfish. :/

My channel catfish died in a disease wave so I don't have them any more(My favorite fish). :byebye: Anyway, I have no idea what to do with the plecos once they get big. They won't die, after a wave of ich and fin rot they didn't catch a thing(AT ALL!). Lol :thumbs:
talk to your lfs and see if they'll take them back in a trade. It'll take them a while to get to an inappropriate size, but it is something you should be prepared for.
itll actually take awhile for the common plec to outgrow you but he WILL outgrow you I have a 90 gallon tank Ive had for 9 years and Ive had the same common plec and hes just under 21inches and getting a little out of control. But you know you keep a fish so long you just get attached :D
Where abouts do you live? I might be able to suggest some solutions if I know roughly where you live.


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