What to do with a bully fish?


Tank of the Month 🏆
Aug 6, 2023
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I have a community 75 gallon with corydoras, beckfordi pencifish, rosy tetras, espei rasboras and a bolivian ram cichlid.
There is one male pencil fish who has a different main colour (a silvery colour instead of the typical red tones) who is a bully. He's constantly harassing everybody apart from the ram. He's particularly mean to the corydoras, and I'm starting to worry about the tiny habrosus corys in particular. I only have four habrosus as many died during shipping and I haven't found any for sale since.
It's at the point now where I feel like I have to intervene but I don't know what to do with him.
I have one empty tank but I'm getting my tiger barbs soon and they'll be quarantined in that. The chance of me finding someone else in West Cork with pencil fish is very unlikely, and there's nothing to say he wouldn't bully their fish as well. I don't have any LFS that stock pencilfish either.

I'm not sure what to do! I could give him the clove oil treatment, but I'm hoping somebody will have a suggestion before it gets to that point!
been that route with Cichlids, 25 years ago... moved a bully into a tank of more aggressive fish, it got beat up mercilessly, so I had to move it back, & even though it was pretty tattered, it started bullying with a vengeance again... I would put it in your quarantine tank, Tiger barbs have a reputation as nippers, so bully may get bullied... if it continues to bully the tigers, then it's your time for a decision
Post a picture of the 2 types of pencilfish so we can confirm they are the same species. If they are different species the single one is stressed due to not having any friends.

A video of the bullying would also offer information about its behaviour. Upload videos to YouTube, then copy & paste the link here.
If you use a mobile phone to film the fish, hold the phone horizontally (landscape mode) so the footage fills the entire screen and doesn't have black bars on either end.
I was going to say there’s nothing you can do but then I remembered some posts I’ve read here and I got to thinking . It may not entirely be that the fish is a bully but that conditions are not to his liking . He doesn’t have the aquascaping or decor that the species prefers or there are fish with him that shouldn’t be or any number of reasons . I know nothing about pencil fish other than they are tetras and all tetras prefer to be in large groups of their own kind . If this one isn’t then perhaps he should be . Just a thought . And here’s an opportunity for me to chant my mantra - “species only aquariums , species only aquariums “.
been that route with Cichlids, 25 years ago... moved a bully into a tank of more aggressive fish, it got beat up mercilessly, so I had to move it back, & even though it was pretty tattered, it started bullying with a vengeance again... I would put it in your quarantine tank, Tiger barbs have a reputation as nippers, so bully may get bullied... if it continues to bully the tigers, then it's your time for a decision
Yes, in the past, I tried keeping bully fish, but eventually I traded each to a LFS for store credit.

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