what to buy


Fish Fanatic
Apr 28, 2003
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i need some advice on what to buy for my 65 gal tank

i want somthing abit differnt from the norm

and pics of the fish would be great

i have had some inverts

ghost shrimp they where cool they used to sit in my hand and give me manacures

i would like some inverts but what could i keep them with as they got eaten last time


i do like cichlids

and are considering them but there are so many i dont know where to start

i like yellow labs but dont know what to put with them

also am thinking of getting a armourd bichir
Yellow labs you'd have to stay with mbuna but don't worry there is a large amount of them with vastly varying colors and paterns, the only other options to keep them with are synodontis species or clown loaches, actually some haps may work with them but not the demasoni

Pseudotropheus, and other labidochromis are good choice, cdo you have hard acidic water? that's what you need for thwm there easy to breed if your intrested in that but not like guppies, are extremely active colorful and intelligent
am not sure what my water ph is

and you would have to give me ther coman names as i can never remember the latin names
African cichlids are usually devoid of common names the only common names of them i know is they labidochromis caeruleus for electric yellow or yellow lab, and kennyi for maylansia lombardoi, there are also two electric blue africans, so common names won't help much but heres a site with a few different types look under mbuna, but there are many more nad the picture don't do the fish justice


and this may help me convince you
cool thanx very much

i went to my local aquarium last week and they had a mbuna tank the size was about 30 foot long 20 foot wide and 4 foot tall

i dont know how many gal it is but it was huge hundreds of fish in the tank it was cool
that tank with the red tail cats is cool

i can never remember the name of the big fish in that tank

looks like a dinosour bloody big it is

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