Fish Crazy
I have just started cycling a UK 19 gallon tank and am waiting to start slowly stocking it. Here is a list of what I want to include
10 Neon tetras
6 glowlight tetras
2 Dwarf gouramis
4 albino corys
3 Black tetras
What is a good hardy fish from this list to add first? I want to make sure that I put the fish in first that will have the best chance of surviving.
Also can anyone tell me of any incompatabilities in the list which might cause problems. Thanks
10 Neon tetras
6 glowlight tetras
2 Dwarf gouramis
4 albino corys
3 Black tetras
What is a good hardy fish from this list to add first? I want to make sure that I put the fish in first that will have the best chance of surviving.
Also can anyone tell me of any incompatabilities in the list which might cause problems. Thanks