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FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
North East UK
after having the water perimeters so wrong i had to start again and then after afew weeks later when everything was fine a sailfin got 'squished' under a rock imagine how i felt tismorning when i went to say hello to my fishies when i noticed one of my sailfins eyes had gone all cloudy and blew up huge,it has a white 'rim' around the edges and is cloudy,what is it and will it clear.I refuse to get any new fish until my tank id perfect so please tell me what to do!!!

Oh yeah i found this,could it be this

Appearance of a whitish film over the eye of the fish Poor water quality, poisoning (Chlorine) or Eye Fluke Poor water: Water changes are required. Poisoning: Make sure to condition tap water. Eye Fluke: Use medication

Any Ideas!!!!!
Im afraid your sailfin molly has a disease called pop eye. It is usually caused by bad water quality but bacterial infections can also cause it. Last week i just had to put my favorite sailfin molly to rest because his case got so bad he went blind and could not survive in the tank with the other fish. It is curable but there is a chance the molly will be blind. i could be wrong but those sound like the symptoms.
he got white patches on him and died then another male has started to get it.and my catfish OMG im gonna have no tank left,can it be treated
Cloudy eye can be poor water quality can you post test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, do a water change add some salt if you have no scaless fish, where was the white patch on the fish that died.
ive lost 3 mollys and one of my catfish has started to get it on his body...if any more die i might strip the whole tank down and start again

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