What the!


Mar 1, 2004
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Ok, I had a Green Manderan in my reef. I just found what I thought was the head. As it turns out the rest of the body had been pulled under the crushed coral. I did find a sand sifting snail right next to him, but could this have pulled him under? Oh, lots of bristle worms around him also. He seemed fine earlier today, and I have no other fish in the tank.
is that the one that got the freshwater dip? if so...

if not, it is not at all clear that he was "pulled under" to his death. odds are he died and was being consumed by critters.

didja check parameters? can you post them?
i wanted one of those but i know they and very needy fish and need very to be in very stable reef tanks
Nope, no freshwater dip on this one. Too hard to catch in the reef. I have not had time to check parameters, however I did do a water change just yesterday. But, even if he died of natural causes, what the heck could have pulled him down like that? I am half temped to get some dead fish from the LFS and sink it down there next to one of the sand sifting snails to see if it trys to get it.

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