What The Hell Is This?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 5, 2006
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i noticed this ornament was pretty slimy a few days ago.now its covered in this white film,which has also started to cover the heater.my brother has had this problem with an ornament in the past,does anyone know what it is and if its harmful or good?


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Do you have snails in the tank? Is there a filter? I've had this happen on some plants once in a tank without a filter that had lots of snails. I suspected the snails. The problem went away when I added a filter.
no i just have female bettas in there.no filter,but i dont use filters in my other bettas tanks either and it hasnt happened.the only thing i can think of is the plant.i still need to know wether its good or bad though.
I have that exact same ornament (for my goldies) in a 30 litre tank with a filter, it never gets a film on it like that... but attracting algae!!! OMG!!! always cleaning the darn thing!!! also, I noted that the last time i cleaned it the black paint from the inside was starting to wear off. Now I'm careful with it. Nothing's peeled off in the water though, just when I'm cleaning it.
thanks fish killer.i put an under gravel filter in and ive trapped it all underneath for now til i can get another syphon.my brand new one broke on me the first time i tried to use it.cheap crap. :angry:
Yea looks to me like a fungus. i'd get it out of there and do some water changes gradually until you think the problem has been taken care of. Also i would change your filter. Not the whole filter just the changeable filters if your tank has those. If it doesnt I'd try my best to clean the filter out.
when a snail died in my tank it developed this white film around it and eventually floated to the surface (dead) this was before i filtered the water, i have no snails now :(

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