What the hell is going on?

Rob 28

Fish Fanatic
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
I bought three ancistrus last week. Took first one back and got another as the remaining two showed no signs off ill health.

All three fine for a week then another one died last night. Removed that one and today the remaining two are quiet and laying near the bottom. The one that died last night seemed to have a smallish white patch near its gill and a peice missing from its caudal fin. The lfs said nothing much and said it could just have been a weak fish. I took no notice of him and have added some anti-fungal/fin rot to the tank to be on the safe side.

All my other fish are healthy. Have I done the right thing ? What else should I do ?

PH - 7.6
GH - 17d
KH - 11d
NH3 - 0
N02 - 0
N03 - 20ppm

Few real plants
2 peices of bogwood
One artificial plant
Im suprised if noone know anything. ive posted 4 topics about my sick ancistrus and had no replies whatsoever. Anyone ? - :unsure:
Hi!! I'm sorry about that! I'm not sure if there is really an "answer" for you :dunno: I'm not personally familiar with those fish but I do know that many people have that problem when bringing home new fish for their aquarium. They just seem to keep dying??

One research says that a person's aquarium water may be of bad conditions and the existing fish are just so acclimatied to it that they are just "surviving" not thriving. And when that person goes to get knew fish.....the new fish just don't do well because of the horrible tank conditions and it's a "shock" to them. :rofl: I'm not really familiar with how you explained your water specs.....I'm sort of a lamince terms type of person :*) but they seem to look okay :unsure:


Hope someone else who knows a little more can come in and help you!!
i doubt the gouramis would have taken the chunk out of the fin ... but some fish will take a nip at sick fish for some reason.

this may sound stupid, but do you acclimate the cats before you put them in the tank? Adjust them to the temp of your water, then put some of your water in with the lfs' water? Are they eating whatever you're feeding them? Are the other ancistrus at the lfs dying off too?
I'd second noelberg's inquiry about if they are eating what you are feeding them. What are you feeding them? Also, I wonder if there are enough hiding spaces for them to feel safe. Finally, do you have two or three males? Sometimes having more than one male can cause them to fight, might be another source of stress...

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