What The Heck?!

Meggie :)

Fish Addict
Jun 10, 2011
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Hey everyone...so I took out about 80-85% of my water in my ten gallon...took all my decor out (rock, wood, plants)...all four amano shrimp were there. Put the wood in, all four amano shrimp were there. put rock in...pretty sure all four shrimp were there..there wasn't any way I squished them, they all swam out of the way...and anyway, what are the chances of me squishing all four at once with one rock?! Didn't pay attention after that because I didn't have a need because I wasn't putting anything else in that could squish them. Filled up water (with 1tbsp every 1 gallon...treating for a parasite)....All four shrimp had disappeared! What the heck happened?! I researched and it said that amano shrimp were fine with aquarium salt...I don't think they could have or would have jumped...the water level was too low... I looked all over the tank! But it's only a ten gallon, there aren't many places they could hide...They couldn't have gotten into the filter...they wouldn't have crawled up the dry intake, into the dry filter and sat there! Now maybe I'm just having a Megan moment and missing all of them, but I don't even see one!

Does anyone have ANY ideas?!
Did you add all the salt at once? You're supposed to do it slowly if you're going from freshwater to saltwater. Also did you completly remove and replace all that water? Shrimps are realllly sensative to water changes.

It's not impossible something escaped. My cameroon shrimp was hiding, i tried to get him out and couldnt find him - he must have clung to my sleeve or something because the next morning i found him on my dogs bed, covered in fur, all dried up. (My Airedale had tried to give him a cuddle)
Aww that's so sad! Thank you for your reply! I feel kind of stupid though because I freaked out for no reason...I brought my sister up to see if she could find any and within 5 seconds, she goes "yea there's one right there on the wood." I wen't downstairs, came back up again, and he was gone again...So I turned off the light for a while, then turned it back on and I saw three, and then all three crawled into a little niche in the wood...so I think they found a hollow spot maybe? Are they going to be okay in there? How will I know if one dies or gets stuck? :(

And the salt bath seems to be working, the fish already seem LOADS better. :)
I think if they got in there, they can get out! their prob quite chuffed with their safe little hidey hole!
I'm glad you found them, i had loosing shrimps!

They can be alusive. I recently bought 3 bumblebee shrimp, put them in, and didnt see them again! I have a heavily planted tank with loads of shrimp, so i was kinda gutted! however, a few days ago they came marching into view come dinner time! i think they might have just been settling in. Good luck with your shrimp :D
Haha thank you! What's funny is that that piece of wood has been in there for several months now and they ar just now all finding it at once :) it's weird not seeing them because they're usually almost always out and about

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