What the heck is going on here?!?!?


I have a point, just don't ask me what it is
May 21, 2005
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my own little world, which is currently in Norther
I have recently set up a divided betta tank. 4 bettas in a cycled 10 gal. About two days ago, I noticed one of my guys, Blaze, who had finrot about two weeks ago was beginning to look a little rough. I pulled him out of the divided tank and put him back into his old 1 gal. Yesterday was a no food day, but I'm pretty sure everyone in the 10 gal was looking fine. I just went to do some tank maintence, (ammonia - 0, nitrite - 0, pH - 8, temp 76), and noticed another betta, Crash, now has finrot and probably some sepcemia as well; the shredded edges are red, and he is normally white. Flash is also starting looking ragged as well, but no obvious finrot yet. Out of four bettas, only one (Jewel) is healthy!

This isn't including my new guy, Maui, who came home with finrot and ich, who isn't part of the divided tank. His ich is gone, started finrot treatment yesterday.

My current plan is to add Maui into the cycled tank, and to take Jewel out, since he currently looks healthy and I don't have four seperate 1 gal containers. I am going to be treating them all with Maracyn and Maracyn 2, since the maracyn 2 alone didn't knock out Blaze's finrot. I will also be adding salt in.

Am I doing anything wrong? I always use dechlorinator, and they have been in this pH for a while. They get fed a mixture of pellets, blood worms, and peas.

Sorry, what temp are you running the tank at, only thing with divided tanks is that the part where the filter is get the best filteration,and the rest don't so you can get a build up, do you stir the gravel as you get dorimant areas that breed bacteria and multiply very fast.
It doesnt sound so...I'm still struggling will finrot on my betta, It just will not go away!! I find that it almost heals, then I wake up the next morning and he looks like there was another Betta in there, and he lost. It also seems to get worse AFTER a water change, I dunno why! Hope you figure this out fast, poor Bettas...
Ironically, the guy who is farthest from the filter is the healthiest. I will test his before removing him and putting Maui in. I'm pretty sure it isn't the intake because it is in Blaze's compartment, and he was removed first, but still doesn't look better.

Crash, the one with finrot and sepcemia, has half the clean water pour straight into his side as well. :-(
Best thing to do is take a sample of nitrite from the gravel in all compartments and compare.
Don't like compartments as you are not getting an even balance in the tank as the water has to flow through the tank, with putting compartments up you will get desease as the water flow isn't doing it's job as it hitting the comparment breaking the flow,and desease will set in.
I'm thinking of ways I can get it to suck water evenly out of each compartment. My current idea is to take some air tubing, cut four pieces of it, so one will be in each compartment, and use silicone to seal the four pieces into the tube.

I was being a space cadet and forgot to check the ammonia levels in the farthest compartment, but starting tomorrow, I will be adding meds to each of the compartments, not just one (cut the tablet into four).

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