What the heck happened?!


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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When I switched the light on in my 10 gallon today, I noticed that my DT female had some splits in her caudal fin... at first I figured she had had a disagreement with one of my other females, though nothing like that has happened in months... I never see a split fin in my tank. Then she turned around and I noticed the huge red mark on her side!!!! :crazy:
None of the fish in my tank even have a mouth big enough to make a mark like that!! I've got nothing but female bettas, a few cories, and some khulis. I guess she got stuck under a rock or something?? I can't think of what could have happened...
Anyway, she's in a 2.5 gallon bowl right now with some Melafix and salt... She didn't eat today and has been acting pretty lethargic, so I hope she pulls through :sad:
What does the red mark look like? Is it like a wound? If it is, do you have any ornaments there that could have caused that injury?

Yeah, it looks like a wound. Like I said, she must have gotten stuck under a rock or something :no:
Edit: There's nothing in the tank with particularly sharp corners, either... I just checked.
Aw poor little babe! :(
I'm sure the melafix will help along with the salt, i do hope she starts eating.
Best wishes for her.
I just offered her a pellet, which she didn't take... I would say she looks like she might be pineconing some, but she almost always looks like that, so it's hard to tell. She's so fat and full of eggs that she almost looks like she has dropsy :p ... at least, I hope it's just that she's fat. :unsure:

The good news is that my tiny female with fungus (written about in another thread) DID take some pellets, and her wound isn't swollen at all anymore :thumbs:
the sore could be the result of an infection in the wound left by the mouth of a femal betta, you said her scales naturally pinecone so I'm guessig shes not really built for fighting.
Opcn said:
the sore could be the result of an infection in the wound left by the mouth of a femal betta, you said her scales naturally pinecone so I'm guessig shes not really built for fighting.
It just appeared overnight, though... I think I would have noticed a bite mark before now :/
Besides that, none of my other females have any marks whatsoever that would suggest they've been fighting... I have very docile females, apparently, because they don't even make a fuss when a new member is added to the tank.

Anyway, the DT's fins are pretty torn up, too, so it looks like there was a real struggle, whatever happened. :dunno: :-(
Edit: Oh, and the spot doesn't look infected to me, so that's good news at least. It's not swolen, and is fleshy pink rather than red. Whew.
The melafix and salt should be able to keep it from getting infected. If you have access to indian almond leaves, i would recommend you use it to speed up the recovery, as it is very good for healing fins and wounds, etc.

WOOHOO! She took two pellets today!!!! :clap:
That's less than she usually eats, but hey, it's a great start!! Maybe she's going to make it! Still no sign of infection, either. I'm totally stoked :D

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