What The Heck Are These Balls? (pics Included)


New Member
Jan 10, 2006
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Hi all,

Looked at my tank tonight to see a few clumps of balls stuck to the glass. Fish are eating them and fighting over them. Ive added some pics (the best I can)

Is it funghi or something, Can someone suggest what to do?





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They're eggs! Your fish are obviously happy enough to be spawning. What you got in the tank?
They're eggs! Your fish are obviously happy enough to be spawning. What you got in the tank?

Eggs !! :crazy:

I have:

2x Albino catfish
3x Guppys (livebearers)
2x mollys (livebearers)
Fighting Fish (Male)

thats all.....Are you sure they're eggs. If so which one?
It's definately the cats that have laid those. What type of catfish are they, cory's, plecs?
It's definately the cats that have laid those. What type of catfish are they, cory's, plecs?

Im not what type they are, im not a big fish expert

Here a couple of snaps of the proud parents...

How long before they hatch? Thats if they last of course.


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Ahhh, albino cory's. at 2 inches they're about full size, don't think they'll grow much more.

Your best bet for good answers is to post in the catfish pages. They'll give more specific advice. In fact there's a thread running at the moment about cory's breeding so that may give some answers.

That is so cool.......Does anyone know how to distinguish the sex in albino cories? I have some but haven't a clue what they are.
aww happy fishes! The fish will prob eat all the eggs though if you dont move them. Be careful with the male betta, they usually have to be kept alone.
Female corys are always alot fatter and wider then males. Best way to find out if u have male or female corys is to look at them from above.
Can't miss the slim little fellas and the Fat Mamas in this species. When they spawn, the male swims all over and around the female, nudging and nuzzling her. She swims with a belly covered with eggs smearing them around the tank. So adorable!

Their eggs are pretty easily moved when caught early. If there are some eggs on anything you can move (a plant leaf) or if some will roll off or be scraped off without damage, then set them up in a plastic shoebox or whatever you have with an airstone. Even if some make it to hatch, the fry will be eaten in that tank.

Good luck! :D

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