Look, I'm really sorry for being so rude you can get mad at me all you want cuz I know I deserve it. You may think I'm crazy, but I'm just telling you what happened. I did add water from a cycled tank to the new one. I'm probably exagerrating, and my memory is probably wrong. But, what I know is that it's been set up since late May, and up until this whole thing started 3 weeks-a month ago, I had zero ammonia and nitrite and a Ph of 7.0. As far as I can tell, that sounds like a cycled tank, but I am relatively new to this so maybe I have got it wrong and there is something I don't know. I know that you are all just trying to help me and I hope that you will forgive me and keep trying. If you don't, though, I respect that as your decision. I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote that. I don't want to find out the hard way what's wrong. Thanks for trying to help me, and I very much respect your judgement. I will do small water changes every day or every other day like you said. Once again, I am sincerely sorry for being so rude.
ps. I guess part of why I did that had to do with the fact that I assumed that everyone had already read my other thread about the cloudy water.