What Tank Is A Good One To Upgrade To.


Fish Herder
Feb 6, 2011
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Im currently setting up a 60lt but ive caught the bug and im looking to upgrade to a 130lt-200lt tank. I like the juwels around the 180lt size any suggestions for a good tank would be helpful.
An upgrade already!!! lol!
Depending on money why not get one custom made to a size you are happy with?
I would love to have a custom build but sadly I only have a paper round :no: but I have applied for a job in halfords so who knows if I get the job I may have a huge custom build :nod:
Was at lfs today and noticed the jewell Trigon 190l set up. It is a corner tank, i used to have one set up as tropical. The reason i mention it is because it was all ready to go as marine with a built in skimmer etc. The first time i have seen jewell ready to go as marine. Not sure on price, if they are any good but always seemed pretty good as tropical.

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