I have a 36 Gal bow front
Aqua clear filter,
I have 2 chunks of Bogwood lots of caves, fake plants, with a bit of java moss. I have had bad luck with live plants.
1 Clown pleco (the queen of the tank everyone respects her space.)
1 BN pleco
1 Balloon ram
2 keyhole cichlids
2 female bettas
7 Red tail rasboras
1 oto ( yes only one he was the only one that lived I am not getting any more )
10 Gal
Was set up as a hospital tank for 2 female bettas. Well the bettas are all better and doing great in there so I'm just going to let them have it.
5 Gal
1 delta tail male betta.
I also have 3 dogs and the little dog eats carrots. I just felt I needed to share that he is eating a carrot right now.