What Supplies For 100 Bucks?


Fish Addict
Sep 24, 2008
Reaction score
Vancouver WA (US)
well I am still debating what to do with my 100+ bucks. I was thinking breeding tank for snails but that is still debatable. What I currently have is below:

10 Gallon:

1 Tetra Whisper Power Filter (5-10 Gallons)
1 Fluvel 2 Internal Filter (up to 25 gallons)

Current Stock:
1 Molly (Fully Grown)
3 Molly (1-2 months old)
6 Molly fry (2-3 weeks old)
2 Oto


5 Gallon Tank

Build in Bio Wheel filter
Elite Stingray Filter (5 gallon)
Air Pump+Air Stone

1 Dwarf Puffer
1 Molly (1-2 Months old)


Wondering what to get. I can get anything you would find at Petco/Petsmart and I cant get any more tank besides maybe a 1-2 Gallon. I am thinking replacing my Tetra Whisper filter with a Aqua Clear 20 or a Marine land Bio Wheel filter since my current Bio Wheel is floating around in the currents. Also fish stock works too. I plan to give some Molly Fry to a LFS.

The tanks in the pics have some slight changes and the 5 Gallon has a nice sized chunk of drift wood as well as both tanks have some extra plants.

EDIT: Also have an idea of buying a air pump rated for 50+ gallon tank and some valves to control the amount of air and placing extra sponge filters and bubble walls in my tanks.
Hi mwood2 :)

Since you havn't had any replies in Tropical Discussion, let's see if the folks who post in Hardware and DIY have any ideas for you. :D

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