hi thanks for the reply, a) i cycled it with two golden algea eaters, some said not to and some said they were hardy enough,
b)amonia is 0 and the nitrate is 20? its supposed to be zero but i get the water tested at my local pet store and they sold me 7 neon tetras saying it would be fine,
c) my ph is 7.2 they said that was bang on,
d) well ive got 3 live plants in there and some rocks which ive moved round adding some flat slate sorta rocks over them making like caves for the algea eaters,
e) i have two chinise algea eaters and 7 neon tetras, oh forgot to say i got two shrimp aswell
Nitrate is fine at 20 - if it was zero, it would indicate that your biological filtration was not working correctly. Nitrite (note the 'i') should be zero and must be tested for before you get more fish.
pH is fine and simply means that you want to avoid fish that want a very low pH or a very high pH. It is a nice, middling pH so you have more choices than a low or high pH.
In a 110 lite tank, 3 plants and a few rocks doesn't give the fish that much cover. I would put quite a few more plants in there - even soft plastic/silk ones would do. This means your fish will feel more secure and less likely to aggressive or get stressed, which further opens up stocking choices.
Chinese algae eaters are a very poor choice for the tank, in the long term. They are very well known for becoming highly aggressive when they start to mature and will often fight. They also get to around 8 inches (if not larger) as adults and should be kept singly in 4 foot + tanks with appropriate tank mates. Pet shops often sell them to anyone and everyone as "good algae eaters" and because they are cheap and cute. When they get older they literally become monsters and we get messages on here all the time from people saying "help, my CAE has attacked my fish", etc. Please, please, please consider rehoming them and getting some smaller and more peaceful bottom feeders.
How about - swapping your CAEs for a bristlenose or rubber lip (AKA bulldog) plec and a shoal of 6 corys. Adding 6 more neons (which would look amazing but should be done once your tank is at least 3 months matured)or adding a shoal of 6-8 other small tetras or rasboras. Get at least 6-8 more shrimp of the same species that you currently have (as these, like tetras, should live in groups) and then some 3-4 inch long "centrepiece fish" such as small gouramis, peaceful dwarf cichlids or similar.
Obviously you want to do this all very carefully over several weeks and with species like neon tetras and other fragile fish, wait until your tank is much more mature.