What sort of corys?

Nuttygal! :0)

Dec 22, 2004
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There! ;0)
The only cories I have are 3 bronze corydoras, but I want a few, maybe 3, to go in my planted 10 gallon with six neon tetras. I think all cories are cute, but I don't know what ones to get.
Any ideas?
Thanks! :D
I love my peppered corys. They are relatively small, about 2" long.
How big do they grow? How many should I keep? And how about about if I kept a few of all different types? Would that work? I mean, not loads, but say two peppered corys and 2 pandas or something...
Coz corys aren't aggressive, are they?
Corys aren't aggressive but are schooling fish so they prefer to be in larger groups. I have read that different species of corys will usually school with each other though. Mine lay around most of the day but get very active once the lights go out. They are fun to watch.
If you already have 6 neons, you probably can't add many. They get about 1.5" when full grown so based on the 1" per gallon rule, you are close to stocked. I'm a relative beginner but I think if you do regular water changes you can probably fudge a little on that and maybe add 3 or 4. I am definitely over the limit on that rule but I change 5 to 10 gallon every week and my water parameters are always great.
corys don,t really school, they just like to be accompanied by their own kind.

You should always keep at least 3 or 4
Ok, well I'll get 4...2 peppered, and 2 panda. Though I do think pigmy cories are quite cute so I may get 2 of these instead...are these a definate big no no or anything? :(
Pygmy cories might be a better choice for you. Since they don't grow larger than 1 inch, you can add more of them to your tank than you could with regular cories.
You could probably [though don't quote me on this, Inchworm would have a much better idea] put in 6 pygmies with 6 neons.
Cool! That would be great! :D I think I'm gonna take a trip to the LFS tonight so I'll let you know how I get on...
Thanks for all your replys guys - you've all been really helpful! :)
You've chosen to keep some great little fish. :D If you need ID help with the many species that are out there, try a google search or click the Species List link in my signature, that'll take you to an entry of each species, many have a picture. :thumbs:

corys don,t really school, they just like to be accompanied by their own kind.

(EDIT: C. paleatus, peppered Corydoras, female pic in avatar, might help :thumbs: )


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