What Snails Are There....

Dave Spencer

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto.
Sep 21, 2006
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N. Wales
I would like a few algae eating snails for my tank, preferably ones that can burrow to turn over my sand substrate to help prevent any possibility of stagnant areas. They must not breed and take over the tank, either. I have read the pinned article, but I would like any recommendations for slow/non breeders. My tank water is relatively soft and acidic. Any suggestions?

All this, plus they have to fetch me a beer when I`m watching footie.
Most snails cant live in acidic water, it burns their shells. I've heard MTS are ok though. Naturally, MTS are supposed to breed like rabbits.
If you keep them at a lower temperature they will breed really slowly. Mine are at 23 degrees celcius and i've only had one baby in the couple of months i've had them :) . They are really the only option for overturning the gravel too.
I suspect i won`t have any luck with snails as I am running a soft water, acidic community.

I used to have a centipede that would fetch my beer for me, but he insisted on putting his shoes on first, so the football match would be long finished before I got my beer.
Well I have lots of snails in an acidic tank. So far it seems that the acidic conditions have not eroded my nerites (algae eaters) shells at all. They are really tough. Aswell as a good diet I add calcium supplement which I think helps. I know its not idea but I've had my apple snails live for ages in there and when I can I'll set up a tank for them specially.

MTS are great and you hardly ever see them and if you are worried they are multiplying too much then sell some on. They won't fetch you a beer though, sorry.
If you look at the prices of MTS on ebay though, they could pay for a beer or two. More snails=more beer :good: .

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