What size tank?


Fish Addict
May 25, 2003
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What size tank should i get for raring fry and body have any links to read up on it? and do babe fry actully aquire a heater??
it depends on wat kind of fry. but usually all u need is a 5 gallon is good and if u live where its gonna get really cold then yes u need a heater.
well it kind of depends on wat species the fish is, some fry can grow big or can grow small

but for a normal size fry raring tank would be a 5g, but i use a 3g because nothing is usually in their

yes there is suppose to be a heater in the tank temp from 74-76 which the fry loves, because if the water temp is too cold they won't eat at all, and they just sit on the gravel like what happen to my fry for a few days

thats pratically it
I'd get a 5-10 gallon tank, depending on what type and how many fry you have. You will also need a heater. Hope this helps!!! ;)
5 gallon is good enough for at least 60 fry. if you decide to get a filter, make sure you cover it cause it will suck the frys in.
imo, you should get atleast a ten gal because, yes a five gal is fine for 60 fry but they do grow. most fish stores wont take them unless they are full or almost full grown. so if you plan on selling them back a bigger tank is better, and they have fry every month, so they will acumulate very fast.
Yes, they do. In general, fry are even more sensitive to temperature changes than adults, so if you want them to do well, get a heater. :)
If I was you I would work on getting new tanks for the majorly overcrowded fish that you have now. You don't have any room for more fish so why breed swordtails?
eh. i dodnt think my tanks are over crowed, Im just not sure how to do all that litre into gallon think and i dont know the tanks litre volume anyway. There not overcrowed turst me!!
I believe 1 gallon is about 4 liters? What are the measurements of your tanks (inches or cms)?

If those sizes listed in your sig are true, then sorry, but I too think they're overcrowded. Furthermore, some of your fish are too big for your tanks. For example, the red-tailed shark and the plec will outgrow a 10g quickly. I wouldn't put them in anything smaller than 55g (JMO though, I'm sure people have different ideas on the minimum sizes. I do know that 10g is too small for them.) The clown loaches and the plec there are too big for a 25g as well.

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