What Size Tank Should I Get For Clown Knife?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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It seems my wife has given me the go-ahead to get the larger tank I need to go in the garage

The tank I have now is 60x30x24

My clown knife is about 15inches now and fine at the moment and probably for a good while longer

I really want to keep him for the rest of his days but obviously need the bigger tank.

Looking at the garage I will probaby be able to get 72 inches long as the max as there is other stuff and tanks in there although I may reduce the tanks when I get the bigger tank

any suggestions on tank sizes and I've never had a sump but read bout tanks with them lately. are they really worthwhile having with a dirty messy predator tank?


Minimum size tank for 1 adult clown knife fish is 4ft long. Don't keep them in prs because they are territorial and fight. In a small tank, less than 4x2x2ft I probably wouldn't keep anything else with it.

Sumps are great and give you more water volume in the display tank. A sump can be any container connected to the main tank but usually sits under it. They can be any size but most people try to get a sump that is at least 1/3 the length of the main tank, preferably half or more if possible.
Basically the more water volume you have, the better it is for the fish. A sump will give you more water volume, thus helping keep the water quality more stabile for a longer period of time.
You can keep heaters and other equipment in a sump and not have to worry about the fish in the main tank damaging it. And you don't see it in the usmp if you have a cabinet/ cover around the stand, thus making the tank look neater. Having said all that, they aren't really necessary, but do work well if set up properly.
Cheers for the replys although I'm suprised at the answers

Opaline, Why are they better in pairs, I've always read that they are very aggressive with each other

and although I was asking the question I was wondering whether 6,7 or 8 ft was going to be the optimum size as I know my 5ft will be too small, 4ft is way too small for a single adult Clown knife :crazy:
IMO your looking at something close to the 300G mark, 72x40x24 being your best option given the length restrictions

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