What Size Plec For My Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 3, 2007
Reaction score
Arborfield, Berkshire
Hello, I have a Trigon 190, well planted and would love to have a plec but there are sooooo many, I'd love your input on which to look out for. I'm not in any rush as I won't be adding anymore fish to my tank until after I move this summer. here's my tank inhabitants:
7 cardinal tetras,4 albino cories, 3 zipper loach, 1 dwarf chain loach, 4 female dwarf gouramis, 2 clown killies.
If I add a plec (pref one that doesn't get too big) will I be overstocked?
If you think I could fit a plec in comfortably, suggestions with pics would be greatly appreciated. There is a large peice of bog wood and room to add more if needs be and two tiered slate caves(large areas to hide at the bottom with smaller caves on top)
Thanks in advance
Depnpending on the size of your tank (I'm Canadian and we don't have Triton sytems.) I assume that the tank is 190L? which is pretty close to 50gallons, I'd recommend 1 or 2 bristle nosed plecos, these guys stay around 5", although bigger ones have been reported. I'd say get 1 male and 1 female and you should be fine. As for overstocking, your tank seems to have a fair bit of fish in it, however things like cory cats and cardinal tetras produce low waste amounts. You should be okay with these 2 plecos, but if your worried about the overstock factor you could always just bump up your filtration capacity (ie. instead of 50gallons of filtration, move to 70-110 gallons)
I would personaly recomend an L066. They may be hard to get hold of, unless you ask your LFS to order them specialy. They can grow to 6", and are quite bold. would need a bit of meat in their diet, so will take bloodworm, flake e.c.t. when offered, but will also require veg such as cucumber.

Your stocking dencity should be fine.
I should imagine that any of the Plecos from this list would be fine in that size tank:
Plecos 8" and under

As long as there are plenty of hiding places, bogwood and decent filtration then a Pleco will be fine.
Hello, I have a Trigon 190, well planted and would love to have a plec but there are sooooo many, I'd love your input on which to look out for. I'm not in any rush as I won't be adding anymore fish to my tank until after I move this summer. here's my tank inhabitants:
7 cardinal tetras,4 albino cories, 3 zipper loach, 1 dwarf chain loach, 4 female dwarf gouramis, 2 clown killies.
If I add a plec (pref one that doesn't get too big) will I be overstocked?
If you think I could fit a plec in comfortably, suggestions with pics would be greatly appreciated. There is a large peice of bog wood and room to add more if needs be and two tiered slate caves(large areas to hide at the bottom with smaller caves on top)
Thanks in advance

I agree with the above, a pair of BNs would fine.

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