what size aquaruim


Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
North East UK
What size aqaurium is the samllest for a dwarf puffer??
I love them but i need to no if i have the space for a tank!!!! :D
Black_Ghost_Guy said:
Not very, not any harder than, say, silver dollars. :)
And they don't require almost prefect water conditions either. But they do need a good filter system. I'd almost suggest going for a 10 gal because IMO they are easier to clean and upkeep plus the price difference it only maybe 10 bucks at most.
i am almost 100 % possitive that you can put more than 2 too 10 gallons of water. the rule is 2 to 3 gallons of water per fish.
I also concure I've tried three in a ten gal with bad results ended up lossing one. They are little fish but they have a big attuitude
pufferking said:
i am almost 100 % possitive that you can put more than 2 too 10 gallons of water. the rule is 2 to 3 gallons of water per fish.
just in case u didnt know that rule definately doesnt apply to most oddballs especially puffers
I keep 3 DP's in a 10g and they are fine... But then again I have one male and two females, which lowers agression issues. IMO, 10g is the best for DP's because they are cheap and easy to clean as said above. Good luck! :thumbs:
If you want to keep more than 2 in a 10g, have it heavily planted, with lots of places to hide. They dont need a ton of swimming room, but they do need protection from eachother. Mine would just sneak up and bite eachothers fins clean off.

I had MY puffer in a 10 gallon tank with cory catfish and guppies and he never bothered them. Just keep plenty of snails in there for food :p

I had 3 in a 10 gallon by themselves once but they all died but one because of agression
Like i said i have 5 in a 10 gallon it is heavily planted and i have had not 1 problem

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