What Shrimps To Get?


Fish Gatherer
Oct 1, 2008
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I have two old (not far off 3 years old) Amano shrimp in my 50g planted aquarium. I want to get some more shrimps, and was thinking of getting some different types. I know Amano will not breed in fresh water, but am not bothered about other shrimps breeding.

I have a choice of the following shrimps:

Green Lace (4-5cm)
Crystal Red (3cm)
Yellow Cherry (1-1.5cm)
Blue Shrimp (2cm)
Orange Sunkist
Bumble Bee (1-1.5cm)
Bamboo (large 6-8cm)
Crystal Red Bee (is this a cross breed?)
Tiger (1.5-2cm)
Alien Gold Sparkling (4cm)
Amano (4cm)
Wild Bangladesh (3cm)
Indonesian Gold Spot (3cm)
Vietnoi Orange and White (1.5cm)
Cameroon African Giant (5-6cm)
Black Crystal Diamond Bee (1-1.5cm)
Vietnam Princess Bee (1.5cm)
Ninja (1-1.5cm)
Sakura (1-1.5cm)
Cardinal (beautiful but apparently difficult?)
Malili/Salawesi (same)
Blue Leg Pos (same)

I can pick them up so won't be stressful for them.

My Amanos are fully grown, about 4cm I think. Would they eat baby shrimp?

I was thinking of getting some Yellow, some Blue and some Tiger. Maybe Cherry, depending on the size. How many of each?

I have dwarf cichlids in the tank, but they have never bothered shrimp before, though I realise my two are pretty big.

Oh, let me add - temperature is 26c and water is pH7.5 so pretty hard.

Can you have fan and normal shrimp together?
OK, decided against the Blue as they seem to have been messed around with the get the colour as they don't pass it on to their offspring. I don't condone 'messed about with' animals of any type.

I am still particularly liking the Tiger... Maybe I'll get some Cherries or Crystal Red.
Sulawesi shrimp are lovely but SOO expensive. I've seen them go on ebay for like £20 each!

I dont know many of the shrimp on your list, but crystal reds or bee shrimp are lovely (don't mix them). Red cherry shrimp are absolutely great once they colour up as well.
Sulawesi shrimp are lovely but SOO expensive. I've seen them go on ebay for like £20 each!

I dont know many of the shrimp on your list, but crystal reds or bee shrimp are lovely (don't mix them). Red cherry shrimp are absolutely great once they colour up as well.

I think I can get them for £8 from this LFS, if they will sell them in a smaller number. Still quite expensive for shrimp which can be difficult. But they do look lovely. I have hard water and a warm temperature which I think they'd like.

I think my main question is really, will my current Amano attack or eat any new ones I get?

I think I'd like to try some of the Sulawesi or Cardinal, if they will sell them to me in a smaller number. They won't cross with the Amano as they breed in fresh and the Amano in salt.

If they DID breed I could perhaps sell the babies? :unsure:
What else in the tank, you need to be careful of cross breeding, refer to a table of species that are capable of creating hybrids. Also Saluwesi shrimp require rather high temperatures (29oC).
Hi not sure if this is common but my amanno ate all my RCS even though I was told it wouldnt just a word of warning
What I am thinking of doing now is setting up my old 5.5g hex tank that I had my Betta in, and use it for shrimps exclusively :)

I am hoping to get them to breed, so will just go for one species.

How many shrimp could I get to start off with, allowing for breeding?

I will plant the tank up and get it a little light.

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